10 Qirath Training

Introduction to the seven Recitals

The recital (Qirat) means learning system of reading the Quranic verses.

A number of the Companions learned qirat directly from Prophet Uthman, Ali, Ubaib ibn Kaab, Abu Ddhardha, Ibn Masuood, Zaid bid Thabith and Aboo Moosa al Ashari. are some of them
The Prophet (sal) ordered the other sahabas to learn qirat from the above said sahabas who have learnt that qirat in the presence of the prophet.

During the rule of Caliph Usman (rali), the newly coverted non-Arab Muslims had faults in reciting the quran, For an example Arminia, Azar baijan regions. So, when Huthaifa (rali) paid his attention to this issue, he immediately brought it to the Caliph’s notice. Caliph also took action accordingly. So, he formed a group of prominent qarees under Zaid bin Thabith (ral)’s leadership and requested them to make copies from the original copy of the Holy Quran which was compiled during Caliph Aboobackr’s (rali) reign and kept by Hafsa (rali). When the copies were
made, the Caliph sent each of them with expert qari to seven major parts of the Islamic Nation at that time. And they taught those area people following those copies. As a result of these efforts, there were a number of well qualified qarees who appeared in those areas. Like qari Asim Hamza and Kisaaee in Koofa.

Though, with time the evil makers of that time began to create trouble among the quran reciters by using absence of symbols in the written copies of the Holy Quran. Nevertheless, the Imams of that era paid their attention to this issue and decided to follow a system to keep up the purity of the qirat. So, they selected a number of the most popular qarees of the Islamic Nation and strictly asked them to satisfy three requirements upon accepting their recite

1. It must match with the Arabic language.
2. It should be match with one of the copies sent by Usman(rali)
3. The narrations of that Qirat should be the most popular and from more than ten narrators at in every stage. The qirat which was completed with these three conditions only were accepted.


Qualifications required to Learn Qirat.

1. Fully memorizing of Holy Quran.
2. Should have a merit pass in the first examination conducted to memorize and Tajweed after completion of Al-Quran revising course.


1. Memorizing of shatibiyyah poem book
2. Learning the book “Al- Wafi” the commentary book of the Shatibiyyah poems.
3. Memorizing each and every ten Qarees traditions “as separate way” and recite to the teacher.

Our college has been conducting this course of study for the past three years. The duration of this course varies according to the learner’s interaction and this has been Inaugurated on 2012.09.16 by two qarees who had learned in a foreign country and there are a number of aalims who attend this course Island wide.ge.