

We generate reputable virtuous students who are competent in Islamic, Academic and Professional knowledge in both Tamil and English languages. We are situated in a village with an Islamic environment in the Kandy District of Central Province, making it accessible for students from all parts in Sri Lanka. We also provide accommodation for our students


We are located in a village 120 KM from the Capital-Colombo and 15 KM from Kandy. One of the beneficial attribute of our college is, it is located in a village named Daskara which is 3.5 KM from the road which leads to Thavulagala via Gelioya through the Gampola Road from Peradeniya junction and our college is in a peaceful surrounding just 300 M from the road to the mosque.


On 5 th May 1999 on a Friday in a village named Daskara in the Kandy District of Central Province in Sri Lanka, with the grace of Almighty Allah, with just 2 Ulamas and 21 students our college was started at Daskara Jumma Masjid. Moreover, the inauguration of this college was conducted under the regulation of Moulavi Shaihur Rahmani Jiffry of Rahmaniya Arabic College, Akurana. The respected Al Usthad Abdul Haliq (Devbanthi) conducted the Jummah bayan and it was followed by a special lecture by late Al Usthad Niyas Mohammad who was the Director of Al Ihsaniya Arabic College, Colombo. On the opening ceremony many people including Ulamas, Donors, Parents, Well wishers and those from the village participated.

Commencement of Shariah Section

After 10 months the Shariah Division commenced with 15 students and 1 Ulama.

The first land donation received

The following year we faced a lack of space due to the increase in the number of students. We were in need of land for more classrooms and accommodation, and with Allah’s help in 2000, Late Al haj J.M. Farook who was a member of our board donated a piece of land.

The first building Foundation

The first building Foundation ceremony was conducted on 18th May 2000 by Moulavi Shaihur Rahman Jiffry who is the Principal of Rahmaniya Arabic College in Akurana and Al Usthad Hanifa (Bahji) the President of our college along with the Thakbeer of hundreds of people. This is the first building and it is named as Abu Bakr Siddiq (Rali)

Movement to our own building

On 20th February 2003 we shifted from the mosque where we conducted the lessons, to our own building with 80 students and 8 Ulamas from both Hifl and Shariah divisions.

The second building Foundation

[Umar (Rali) Building] As years passed, with Allah’s Grace our College was able to possess many assets as our own. Along with this, a building foundation ceremony was followed by the building of a mosque inside the premises to fulfill the need for a place of prayer for our students, and by our College’s Vice President Al Usthad Yusuf Mufthi’s effort this was accomplished. A noticeable event was the laying of the foundation stone by the special guests for the ceremony, Moulavi Sheikh Balah Abdullah and Al Usthad Hanifa Bahji. (This is the second building named Umar farook (Rali).) Moreover, we were only focused on Islamic knowledge, however now we embarked on Academic education for a better insight for our students. All hafizes up-to this date were honoured at this function as well.

Accommodation for Usthads

On 24th April 2005 a housing complex consisting of 5 houses with essential amenities were built for the Ulamas of our College.

Opening ceremony of the Mosque within the premises

As the construction of the first floor (mosque) 2nd buildings was completed, an opening ceremony was conducted with the participation of the late Khaleel Ahamed (Keeranoori) from India who delivered the keynote speech for the occasion.

Arrival of Foreign Students

Among countries that take part in Da’wah, Sri Lanka is also one of them. With this as a reason, many Jamaths come from different countries to Sri Lanka. Looking at the training and educational facilities and knowledge imparted in our College, those of who came on Jamath wished to send their children to study here as well. As we possessed the required background and other facilities to provide such an opportunity for children, we were in a situation to extend this service for foreign students. Therefore, with the beginning of the year 2010 foreign students also began to study at our College.

The foundation for Ali (rali) building

We had a plan of opening a separate building to conduct Hifl classes. In line with this, on 2nd July 2011 we held a fourth building foundation laying ceremony in which Al Usthad Hanifa (Bahji) President of our College, Al haj Muflih proprietor of Trans-Asia and other committee members laid the foundation.

Commencement of Usman (rali) building

In line with the need of a building for conducting Academic education classes on 14 th July 2011, the third building named Uthman (rali) with four floors was opened for this purpose. The first floor consisted of the head office, sickroom and lobby, the second and third floors consisted of Tamil and English medium classrooms and the fourth floor consisted of the main auditorium. On this occasion those who contributed land and likewise for the betterment of the College were honoured and for generating permanent income for the College a finance saving scheme called “Al-Waqful Khairi” was established.

Fourth Convocation

On 30th July 2011, 18 well-qualified Ulamas conferred degrees and honoured on this occasion.

Foundation for the kitchen

It had been a long time requirement of a kitchen and a dining area for the students and on 7th January 2012 the foundation stone for a four storied building for fulfilling this purpose was laid. For this occasion, Al Usthad Hanifa (Bhaji) the President of our College led the occasion.

Commencement of Advanced courses for our students

Students who completed the Shariah level, in order to be knowledgeable in other aspects of Shariah, the divisions namely Dauratul Hadeeth and Qirath were begun on 16th September 2012. From all parts of Sri Lanka, well-known and well-qualified Ulamas graced this occasion…

Fifth Convocation

On 16 th September 2012, the fifth convocation was held and 15 Ulamas were honoured with the titles..

First Khatamul Bukhari function

The first Khatamul Bukhari event of Darathul Hadeeth was held on 7th July 2013 and Moulana Moulavi Ruhul Haq who is the Principal of Anvarul Uloom Arabic College in Thiruchy, South India led the function.

Sixth Convocation

On 7th July 2013, 15 Ulamas were honoured and given the titles. At the same time, the second Khatamul Bukhari function was held.

Kitchen and Dining Hall opening

A fully equipped kitchen with all facilities on the first floor, and with dining halls to accommodate all students in the above two floors, the fifth building was built. It was opened on 7th July 2013.

Multi complex foundation

Al Usthad Hanifa (Bahji) President of our College and Al Haj M.R.M.Razik laid the foundation stone for the multi complex. Many more invitees and others participated on this occasion.

comprehensive religions unit in Sinhala

The Ulamas recognized the need to conduct Da’wah in Sinhala and to teach Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity to help students analyze these and realize why they are wrong. For this purpose, on the 2nd September 2013 a separate Da’wah unit was opened.

Qurrathul Ayn Magazine

It has been a vision of the Usthads’ Society named ‘Lajnathul Asathitha’ to launch a magazine in many languages to the public. In line with this, on 10th April 2014 a quarterly magazine named ‘Qurrathul Ayn’ was launched.

Seventh Convocation

On 07th June 2014, 17 Ulamas were honoured and given titles on this occasion. The Vice President Yoosuf Mufthi gave a special lecture.

Eighth Convocation and issuing of certificates for advanced courses

On 14th June 2015 21 Ulamas will be honoured and given titles and the third Khatamul Bukhari function will be held. Further, Da’wah unit (Sinhala) Ulamas, Sabu Qirath Ulamas and more than hundred Hafizes Will be receiving certificates. To grace this occasion the Special Guests will be Qari Abdur Rasheed (chorta Qari) of Sadathpur of Pakistan and Qari Abdur Rahman of Multan of Pakistan and Chief Speaker Al Usthad Hassan Fareed of Sri Lanka.